Laying in bed...

The moon may be full; the amount of light seeping through the blinds is an indication but I am not certain. I lay here in bed listening to the sounds of the night, things I don't hear when I'm usually in a deep sleep at this hour. Passing cars on the highway, the horn of a distant train, the strange haunting movement of the house that occurs when it thinks we're asleep...

I'm restless for some reason, and so is Phoenix. I hear her tossing in her crib as if she is uncomfortable. I went to check on her to make sure she was alright before I got under my covers... She's always alright. She is one of the strongest beings I know, I named her well: Phoenix Zuri Alexandra. So peaceful when her eyes are closed, when she isn't barking commands, when she snores. Her skin is so soft and warm, you can tell she's full of positive, and kinetic energy even when she rests... My heart beats in Phoenix's body, without her I'm nothing...

I think I've begun talking myself to sleep (Yawn)...Goodnight. XOXO

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