
I'm sitting at my desk thinking to myself what the big deal is about cheating on the person you're with. Why not just break up with them and have casual sex, (if you can stomach such a thing)? Maybe it's the excitement of the "Catch Me If You Can" syndrome, that gets people aroused or gets the adrenaline flowing? Maybe the challenge is to see just how much you can get away with before that person figures you out; as if trying to continuously break a personal record?

Imagine sitting in a car with the person you're "interested" in, and you two are having the usual conversations of courtship. The batting of the eyelashes, the biting of the lip, a wink of an eye here, a blow of a kiss there; the typical flirtatious behavior between two new potential lovers. In the midst of a borderline steamy conversation, you look over his/her shoulder and notice the other person you were having that exact same conversation with an hour ago, a day ago, whatever. Suddenly the present chat seems a lot less interesting and there is a lump in your throat, and a brick in your stomach... (SHIT) They are walking over to the car because they recognize the vehicle, and here's where the panic sets in... What do you do now, you lying, sneaky son of bitch, you? Huh? How are you going to pull this one off? Roll up the tinted window perhaps? Tell the unsuspecting person in the passenger seat to buckle-up as you speed off? I'm interested to know some of your points of view on this matter. I'm open for discussion... Let the cheaters and the faithful be heard ...