What the...?

When I went to pick up Phoenix from the day care this evening, I stopped to talk to the owner (Gloria) about Phoenix's alleged bully-like behavior. I had asked that if she were to see Phoenix attack one of her peers to make sure that she's lets Phoenix know that that is not the way to act and to give her a time-out... or something. I was also informing Gloria that she had tried to beat up her older brother this past weekend and she has developed a little bit of a hitting "problem". As we were talking, another baby (about 3 months) lay crying in a crib and Gloria proceeds to wash Phoenix's pacifier in the sink. Not realizing that she still had Phoenix's pacifier in her hand, she puts the pacifier into the crying child's mouth... My jaw dropped and I was not only shocked, I was utterly disgusted. I thought to myself, 'So this is why my baby gets a cold every friggin' 2 weeks!' she laughed nervously and blamed it on being distracted by all the noise and the conversation we were having. I didn't say much of anything to her after that. I just picked Phoenix up and walked out the door... I'm not sure how to handle this at this point. I'm at a loss for words, and I don't know where I can find a babysitter for less money that Phoenix and I are both comfortable with... There are too many daycare horror stories in current rotation, and because of that, I'm thinking I should stay right where I am... Aye, Aye Aye!