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So I tried doing aerobics with a DVD I purchased off the internet, and I failed miserably due to an empty stomach and, quite honestly, the lack of motivation. I'm learning, as I get older, that I'm not the "Snap Back" girl I once used to be and if I don't start eating healthier and implementing exercise into my daily routine, I'll be a fat ass before I know it. Not saying that there's anything wrong with having a little meat on your bones, but it becomes a problem when you feel like you're not as agile as you used to be because of the weight. Not to mention that this new doughnut around my belly, and my wobbling cottage cheese thighs and ass, aren't really assisting me in overcoming my self-esteem issues.

I know what it is that I need to do about it, but I just can't seem to find the time, strength, the will power. I like to sleep, and now that I have Phoenix, sleep has become a luxury. Between work, school, and the baby, I'm exhausted and therefore I sleep when I can. I fully aware that once I start the exercise routine, I won't be so fatigued all of the time... I just can't get started! Ah!